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git: changing server

1 minute read

Problem: You want to switch the repo from a server where you don't have root access to another where you do. Copying from local machine to the new server ...

git: copying local repository to server

less than 1 minute read

Setup: You have a local machine which can access a server via ssh (user: git). git is installed on the server. Problem: You setup a git repo locally, star...

Regular printing for ink-jet printers

2 minute read

Ink-jet printers might dry out if they don't print in regular intervals. The intervals depend on multiple factors, e.g. room temperature, ink quality. Some ...

i3: Map application to workspace

less than 1 minute read

When using i3: Applications can be moved automatically to specific workspaces at start of the app. Do the following: Start the app Run in a terminal xpro...