Latex: change numbering style of figures/tables
put this in your preamble [code language="latex"] % figures/tables should be labeled: 1,2,3,4,... \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\arabic{figure}} \renewcommand{\t...
put this in your preamble [code language="latex"] % figures/tables should be labeled: 1,2,3,4,... \renewcommand{\thefigure}{\arabic{figure}} \renewcommand{\t...
put this in your preamble [code language="latex"] \usepackage{chngcntr} \counterwithout{figure}{chapter} \counterwithout{table}{chapter} [/code] https://tex....
Installation process is similar to the one for Thunderbird Daily (see this blog post). differences: binary download link: # wget "https://download.mozilla.o...
Thunderbird Daily can be installed in most distros directly from their repos but more often than not it is outdated (they usually disable automatic updates)....
i had a very large global ignore list (tex/vim/linux/python specific stuff) and in this one repo git didnt add one specific folder. as it turned out the glob...