less than 1 minute read

hardware accelerated rendering needs enabling.

  1. check out the arch-wiki page.
  2. i needed to install the intel graphics driver. explained here.
  3. to set the opengl paths (as explained in the wiki), i needed to modify the .desktop file
    1. for me, the path was: /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop
    2. changed execution line
      1. before: Exec=matlab -desktop -nosplash
      2. after: Exec=/my/personal/binary/path/matlab_startWithEnvVars
    3. created seperate start script
      1. path: (same as given to Exec command above)
      2. content:
        [code language="bash" collapse="true" title="/my/personal/binary/path/matlab_startWithEnvVars"]

        export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libstdc++.so
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/

        exec /usr/local/bin/matlab -desktop -nosplash "$@"

      3. make file executable


