15 minute read

Talk: CppCon 2014: Walter E. Brown “Modern Template Metaprogramming: A Compendium


A well-rounded overview about the topic of Template Metaprogramming (TMP). It is from 2014 and therefore, out-dated at some points, but the general ideas are either still important or needed to understand legacy code!

I can only recommend the videos - they are quite entertaining and truly worth watching!

The following sections will be mostly a write-up of the talk and slides with minimal extra information from my side.

What is TMP?

Code which manipulates other code at compilation time. TMP uses template instantiation to drive compile-time evaluation.

Best explained via a simple example computing the absolute number at compile-time:

#include <limits>  // numeric_limits

template <int N>
struct abs {
  static_assert(N !=
                std::numeric_limits<int>::min());  // UB for two's complement
  static constexpr int value = (N >= 0) ? N : -N;

int main() {
  constexpr int n = abs<5>::value;
  static_assert(5 == n);
  static_assert(5 == abs<-5>::value);
  static_assert(0 == abs<0>::value);

Comparing TMP’s metafunctions with usual functions:

  • Arguments are supplied via template arguments (e.g. <5> instead of (5)).
  • To call a metafunction one accesses the published value (e.g. ::value which is a convention - more on that later).

Comparison to constexpr

constexpr functions can do compile-time computation since C++11. TMP is the “old-school” way.

Advantage of constexpr functions:

  • Readability: constexpr functions look just as usual functions and programmers are more accustomed to them.

Advantage of TMP:

  • Memoization: Metafunctions are only evaluated once and their values are cached (templates are instantiated once). constexpr functions might be instantiated multiple times. Standard example is computing Fibonacci numbers.
  • Returning types: It is trivial returning types in TMP. constexpr functions might need to make use of decltype(), declval().

Compile-time recursion

Compile-time recursion (and loops) can be implemented by using metafunctions and specializations.

Example: computing the greatest common divisor

template <unsigned M, unsigned N>
struct gcd {
  static constexpr unsigned value = gcd<N, M % N>::value;

template <unsigned M>
struct gcd<M, 0> {
  static_assert(M != 0);  // gcd(0, 0) is undefined, so disallow
  static constexpr unsigned value = M;

int main() {
  static_assert(4 == gcd<8, 12>::value);
  static_assert(7 == gcd<7, 7>::value);

Taking types as arguments

Metafunctions can take types as arguments.

As an example we can implement a custom rank function:

#include <cstddef>  // size_t

// primary template handles scalar types
template <class T>
struct rank {
  static constexpr size_t value = 0u;

// partial specialization handles array types
template <class T, size_t N>
struct rank<T[N]> {
  static constexpr size_t value = 1u + rank<T>::value;

int main() {
  static_assert(0 == rank<int>::value);
  static_assert(3 == rank<int[10][20][30]>::value);

(Available in the the standard via std::rank.)

Returning a type

Upto now we showed only metafunctions returning values. They can also be used to return types.

As an example we can implement a metafunction removing a type’s const-qualification (e.g. returning int for const int as input):

#include <type_traits>  // is_same_v

// primary template handles not const-qualified
template <class T>
struct remove_const {
  using type = T;

// partial specialization recognizes const-qualified types
template <class T>
struct remove_const<T const> {
  using type = T;

int main() {
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, remove_const<int>::type>);
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, remove_const<int const>::type>);

(Available in the the standard via std::remove_const.)

C++11 library conventions

::type member

A metafunction returning a type should save its result in a ::type member. (See the above given examples.)

This convention can be enforced by making use of a helper type_is

template <class T>
struct type_is {
  using type = T;

template <class T>
struct remove_const : public type_is<T> {};

template <class T>
struct remove_const<T const> : public type_is<T> {};

(Available in the the standard via std::type_identity.)

_t call alias

There should be a call alias with the _t subfix. Example for the above given remove_const:

template <class T>
using remove_const_t = remove_const<T>::type;

int main() {
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, remove_const_t<int>>);
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, remove_const_t<int const>>);

::value member

A metafunction returning a type should save its result in a ::value member.


template <class T, T v>
struct integral_constant {
  static constexpr T value = v;

int main() {
  static_assert(7 == integral_constant<int, 7>::value);
  static_assert('z' == integral_constant<char, 'z'>::value);

_v call alias

In C++14 variable templates were introduced. Since then, value returning metafunctions usually have a helper function accessing the ::value member.


template <class T, T v>
inline constexpr T integral_constant_v = integral_constant<T, v>::value;

int main() {
  static_assert(7 == integral_constant_v<int, 7>);
  static_assert('z' == integral_constant_v<char, 'z'>);

Compile-time if-else

Conditional branching is possible via the following construct

#include <type_traits>  // is_same_v

// primary template: assumes true precondition p
template <bool p, class T, class>
struct IF : public type_is<T> {};

// partial specialization: recognizes a false value
template <class T, class F>
struct IF<false, T, F> : public type_is<F> {};

template <bool p, class T, class F>
using IF_t = IF<p, T, F>::type;

int main() {
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<int, IF_t<true, int, char>>);
  static_assert(std::is_same_v<char, IF_t<false, int, char>>);

(Available in the standard via std::conditional_t.)


See previous post.

Take special note of std::enable_if.

Dispatch to most efficient implementation (e.g. tag types)

A generic metafunction can dispatch do different implementations depending on the type.

As an example we can look at a distance function taking in two iterators. A simple dispatching on a single boolean type trait is possible as in

#include <iterator> // iterator_traits

// specific implementation assuming random access iterators (giving O(1) runtime
// cost)
template <class Iter>
auto distance(Iter b, Iter e, true_type) {
  return e - b;

// implementation for non-random access iterators (giving O(n) runtime cost)
template <class Iter>
auto distance(Iter b, Iter e, false_type) {

template <class Iter>
auto distance(Iter b, Iter e) {
  return distance(b, e, is_random_access_iter_t<Iter>{});

More fine-grained control via tag types (e.g. iterator tags):

#include <iterator>

template <class Iter>
auto distance(Iter b, Iter e, std::random_access_iterator_tag);

template <class Iter>
auto distance(Iter b, Iter e, std::input_iterator_tag);

template <class Iter>
inline auto distance(Iter b, Iter e) {
  return distance(b, e, std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category{});

Parameter pack

Variadic templates can be useful in many occasions. We will look into implementing a is_one_of metafunction which checks if the first template argument is in one of the following. This is a generalization of is_same.

#include <type_traits>  // true/false_type

// primary template: is T the same as one of the types P0toN... ?
template <class T, class... P0toN>
struct is_one_of; // declare interface only

// base #1: specialization recognizes empty list of types
template <class T>
struct is_one_of<T> : public std::false_type {};

// base #2: specialization recognizes match at head of list of types
template <class T, class... P1toN>
struct is_one_of<T, T, P1toN...> : public std::true_type {};

// specialization recognizes mismatch at head of list of types
template <class T, class P0, class... P1toN>
struct is_one_of<T, P0, P1toN...> : public is_one_of<T, P1toN...> {}; // inspect list's tail

template <class T, class... P0toN>
inline constexpr bool is_one_of_v = is_one_of<T, P0toN...>::value;

int main() {
  static_assert(not is_one_of_v<int>);

  static_assert(not is_one_of_v<int, float>);
  static_assert(is_one_of_v<int, int>);

  static_assert(not is_one_of_v<int, bool, float>);
  static_assert(is_one_of_v<int, int, float>);
  static_assert(is_one_of_v<int, float, int>);
  static_assert(is_one_of_v<int, int, int>);

Unevaluated operands

The arguments to decltype and others (e.g. sizeof, alignof, typeid, noexcept) are not even evaluated at compile-time. There is no code generation and thus, only declarations need to be available (e.g. functions without implementations).

For an example we can look at a testing of copy-assignability

#include <type_traits>  // true/false_type
#include <utility>      // declval

template <class T>
struct is_copy_assignable {
  // helper alias for the result type of a valid copy assignment
  template <class U>
  using copy_assign_t = decltype(std::declval<U&>() = std::declval<U const&>());

  // SFINAE may apply
  template <class U, class = copy_assign_t<U>>
  static std::true_type try_assign(U&&);

  // catch-all overload
  static std::false_type try_assign(...);

  using type = decltype(try_assign(std::declval<T>()));

template <class T>
inline constexpr bool is_copy_assignable_v = is_copy_assignable<T>::type::value;

int main() {
  static_assert(not is_copy_assignable_v<const int>);
  static_assert(not is_copy_assignable_v<int[1]>);

There is quite a lot happening in this example and we should dissect this to some point

  • copy_assign_t: This alias tries to assign an object of type U const& to an object U&. Especially note that this is allowed to fail (SFINAE)! The result type of that assignment is retrieved via decltype.
  • try_assign: There are two possible overloads. If copy_assign_t<U> is valid then the overload with true_type as return type is chosen. Otherwise an overload with false_type as return type.
  • type: The try_assign function is called for an object of type T and the return type extracted via decltype.
  • Especially note that the try_assign functions have no implementations as they are only used in unevaluated contexts via decltype.


Super simple implementation

template <class ...>
using void_t = void;

Useful for checking of well-formedness of expressions, i.e. if argument to void_t is not well-formed then the template will not be considered in template overload resolution (SFINAE).

Example: Check if a given type T has a type member ::type

#include <type_traits>  // true/false_type, void_t

// primary template
template <class T, class = void>
struct has_type_member : public std::false_type {};

// specialization
template <class T>
struct has_type_member<T, std::void_t<typename T::type>>
    : public std::true_type {};

template <class T>
inline constexpr bool has_type_member_v = has_type_member<T>::type::value;

int main() {
  static_assert(not has_type_member_v<int>);

To understand this we need to track how an instantiation like has_type_member_v<int> is treated. At first note that the second argument is defaulted to void, i.e. we actually call has_type_member_v<int, void>. There is the primary template (false_type), but a more specialized version (true_type) is available iff std::void_t<typename T::type> is well-formed.