6 minute read

Talk: Expression Templates for Efficient, Generic Finance Code - Bowie Owens - CppCon 2019


This talk introduces the idea of expression templates using C++17 features.

The goal of expression templates is to circumvent creating expensive intermediate temporary objects, especially in the context of mathematical operations.

The standard example is adding multiple vectors which will create temporaries for each single operation.

Expression templates on the other hand save references to the operators and only lazily evaluate when assignment is requested. This will minimize unnecessary allocations and loops. Even as optimizations (e.g. return value optimization) are applied.

Standard example

The “hello world” kind of example is assigning the elementwise addition of multiple arrays to another one. This will create multiple intermediate temporaries which might allocate memory.

See this example.

The solution: Expression templates

The code snippets shown in the presentation have been collected in this repository.

The expression expr

The workhorse is the expr expression class which keeps track of the operation to apply and its arguments.

struct expression {};

template <class callable, class... operands>
class expr : public expression {
  callable f_;
  std::tuple<operands const&...> args_;

  expr(callable f, operands const&... args) : args_(args...), f_(f) {}

  auto operator[](index const i) const {
    auto const call_at_index = [this, i](operands const&... a) {
      return f_(subscript(a, i)...);
    return std::apply(call_at_index, args_);

At first I want to mention that one should think of a simple double add(double, double) function for the callable f_, and args_ to be two std::array<double, N>.

Thinks to note here:

  • We introduce the expression base class for type traits later on.
  • Variadic templates (e.g. class... operands) are used in stead of the older CRTP method which simplifies the code. We need this variability to work for unary (e.g. negation), binary (e.g. addition), .. operations.
  • The operator[] is needed to recursively call down to lower expressions.
  • Its implementation calls the callable with the appropriate arguments. The apply calls the call_at_index with the args_ arguments which calls the callable f_ for the index arguments subscript(a, i).
  • The auto return type is an important simplification to older standards.

Indexing arguments

The subscript function differentiates between arrays, expressions, and others (i.e. scalars).

template <class operand>
auto subscript(operand const& v, index const i) {
  if constexpr (is_array_or_expression<operand>)
    return v[i];
    return v;

Where the is_array_or_expression concept simply checks for predefined traits, e.g. a std::vector is marked as an array. Users can mark their custom types as well. This is similar to whitelisting types.

Example operation: Multiplication

Multiplication of arrays with arrays or scalars should return an expr and then iteratively multiplications with an expr should also yield an expr.

template <class LHS, class RHS>
  requires(is_binary_op_ok<LHS, RHS>)
auto operator*(LHS const& lhs, RHS const& rhs) {
  return expr{[](auto const& l, auto const& r) { return l * r; }, lhs, rhs};

The concept is_binary_op_ok is used to whitelist types for which we want to allow multiplication with an expr result.

You might want to compare this call with the expr::expr() constructor definition.

Custom type: tridiagonal

Types which want to make use of the expr class need to implement two member functions

class tridiagonal {
  // ...

  template <class src_type>
  tridiagonal& operator=(src_type const& src) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < v_.size(); ++i) v_[i] = src[i];
    return *this;

  double operator[](index i) const { return v_[i]; }

Furthermore, we need to whitelist this type, e.g.

constexpr bool is_binary_op_ok<tridiagonal, tridiagonal> = true;

struct is_array<tridiagonal> : public std::true_type {};

Usage on client side is quite clean

int main() {
  const tridiagonal<double> x{1, 2, 3};
  const tridiagonal<double> y{1, 3, 5};

  tridiagonal<double> z(3u);
  z = x * y * x;

  return 0;