1 minute read

QuantLib has unit tests built in which are based on Boost Test.

How to build:
$ cmake --build build --preset=MyPreset
$ cmake --build build/MyPreset --target ql-test-suite

How to run:
$ ./build/MyPreset/test-suite/quantlib-test-suite
$ ./build/MyPreset/test-suite/quantlib-test-suite --list_content
$ ./build/MyPreset/test-suite/quantlib-test-suite --run_test="QuantLib test suite/Calendar tests/*"

How to add new tests:

  • Option a: Append to already existing file

    • Just add new static function in some test class

      • E.g. in americanoption.hpp:AmericanOptionTest::newTest()
      • Register in americanoption.cpp:AmericanOptionTest::suite()

    • Creating a test function in anonymuous namespace in cpp and calling it in main test function is better for link time

  • Option b: Create new Test file

    • E.g. test-suite/newTests.{h,c}pp
    • Implement test class (copy-paste from other files)
    • Add files to

      • test-suite/CMakeLists.txt: See QL_TEST_SOURCES, QL_TEST_HEADERS
      • test-suite/testsuite.vcxproj{,.filters}
      • test-suite/Makefile.am: See QL_TEST_SRCS, QL_TEST_HDRS

    • Register test class in test-suite/quantlibtestsuite.cpp

For CMake preset see this post: CMake presets