git ignore files (especially global)
one can create gitignore files for specific repos and also globally. github offers gitignore templates for lots of different things: frameworks, languages, e...
one can create gitignore files for specific repos and also globally. github offers gitignore templates for lots of different things: frameworks, languages, e...
edit the file: $HOME/.gitconfig [code language="bash"] [alias] co = checkout ci = commit st = status br = branch hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %...
there is a handy tool to extract archives of almost any kind. it goes by the name of .... dtrx!!! checkout the links: dtrx homepage
I recently installed a unix system with virtualbox and after reboot it woudnt start at all - no output.. I started a live cd and reinstalled grub. worked lik...
the ntpserver is just a waist of memory for a raspi and its enough to synchro the time every couple hours. follow this: right time zone: [code]$ sudo dpkg-r...