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tmux: session initialization

2 minute read

use case: you need to connect to multiple hosts at once and leave the connections active even as you log out from the entry node. network layout: remote m...

pdfs zusammenfuegen

1 minute read

zuerst schaue ob das programm pdfunite installiert ist oeffne terminal fuehre folgenden befehl aus $ pdfunite -v wenn das programm nicht installiert ist k...

time syncronization: ntp via systemd

less than 1 minute read

enabling time synchronization via systemd the following is needed check time before $ timedatectl status enabling ntp $ timedatectl set-ntp true check syste...

Resize encrypted LUKS volume

less than 1 minute read

A default encrypted installation of standard distributions (manjaro, fedora, etc.) create LVM-LUKS volumes. The process of resizing is easy. start live-cd s...

raspbian: enable ssh for headless install

less than 1 minute read

raspbian OS can enable ssh by default. this is handy for a headless install. mount boot partition: $ sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt create ssh file: $ sudo...