C++ Resources
This will be an ever-increasing list of useful links. Mostly related to learning C++.
Learning Resources
YouTube Channels
- CppCast
- Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
- Two’s Complement
- The Ultimate List Of Developer Podcasts (July 2017)
General Pages
- C++ Core Guidelines
- learncpp
- cppbyexample
- educational videos on hackingcpp.com
- Modern C++ cheatsheet: List of modern features and example usage.
- isocpp.org: collection of general C++ news
- SG20 recommended videos (2018)
Interesting Blogs
Topic specific posts
- C++ Variadic templates from the ground up
- An Intro To Compilers
- STL learning resource
- Before/after C++17 comparison
- Before/after C++20 comparison
- New Features in C++23
- iwyu: As the name suggests: “include what you use”
- mold: Fast linker. Only available on Linux.
- Sourcetrail: Source code explorer. See this blog post.
Static Analyzers
- cppcheck
- clang-tidy: C++ linter. Can perform a vast number of checks, e.g. C++ Core Guidelines.
Performance Analysis
- Denis Bakhvalov’s blog: ebook, challenges, blog
- Performance analysis vocabulary
- Performance Ninja Class: low-level performance optimizations
- perf
- List of profiling/benchmarking tools on hackingcpp.com
- Profiling Videos
- list of C++ performance resources: talks, articles, books, libraries, tools
Online Tools
- C++ CMake repository template
- clang-format: Formatting of code according to a predefined style guide.
- cmake-format: Formatting of CMake code.
General Programming Related Content
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications: Short discussion of architectural decisions for large applications.